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Consumers today have hundreds of options for virtually every need in their lives, including food. You know your baked goods are palate pleasers, but how can you convince people who have never been to your bakery of that?

The best way is to start advertising where they already are: the Internet. The possibilities for digital advertising are virtually endless, but this page has a few online marketing strategies for bakeries to help you start using your site, social media, and paid options to their full potential.

Regardless of how they find your site, your goal should be to convince them to come to your bakery and make a purchase. Here’s how:

1. Simple navigation

Most visitors come to your site for basic information like your location, operating hours, and baked goodies, so make it as easy as possible for them to find those things. The best way is to include them at the bottom of every page, as well as creating a very basic navigation system for everything else.

You should be sure to have a clean and simple navigation bar at the top of every page so that users will be able to find exactly what they’re looking for at every location on your site. You can also precisely arrange your pages by creating drop-down menus within each of your navigation bar menus.

2.  Good-looking Photos

Delicious-looking photos can sometimes be all it takes to make someone come to your bakery, and are much more compelling than text. Because of this, be sure to include some images photos of your bread, pastries, and other baked goods.

The most important thing to remember when choosing photos is that they need to be real examples of your food. It should go without saying, but never use stock photos. You may think you’re saving time, but if the photos on your site look nothing like what you sell, customers will feel misled. Even a few quick photos shot on a smartphone are better than photos that aren’t authentic

3. Descriptions

In addition to photos, add descriptions of your baked goods to your site. This is important on the off-chance that your photos don’t load well for certain users, and will also help search engines understand your site.

Even the most advanced search engines, like Google, can’t process images like human eyes. So even if you include a hundred photos of specialty cupcakes, Google won’t be able to figure out that your site is a great result for someone who searches for “cupcakes.”

4. Purchasing information

Be sure to include information on where and how people can buy your baked goods. Do they have to visit your physical store? Can they order online? Can they place an order in advance for an event?

Make the purchasing process as clear as possible, and always include a map and phone number in case of confusion.

 5. What sets you apart

As unique as your bakery may be, the fact is that there are many other bakeries out there with similar options. When your potential customers are browsing their choices online, you need to show them what sets you apart.

What specialties do you offer? Are your recipes part of a family tradition? Do you have an interesting backstory? You don’t have to write a novel-length explanation, but you should make an effort to show visitors exactly why they should choose you over your competitors.

Of course, when writing your copy and including your images, you should be sure to do search engine optimization, or SEO. This will help Google and other major search engines find your site rapidly, and will assist in improving your page rankings.

If you aren’t sure which keywords are best suited for your business, think about how you would search for a bakery. What keywords would you input in the search engine? Are there any long-tail keywords (those that include phrases or geographic locations) that might be worth optimizing on a page or two? Do some research first, then include those keywords for the best chances of ranking well.

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